It’s been a remarkable few days for north-east native ERNIE, with the release of his debut single ‘Pink Headaches’ being followed by opening the stage at St James Park for fellow Geordie, Sam Fender two days later. Indeed, ERNIE’s first release proves that he was worthy of such an opportunity.

ERNIE’s softly sung melodies are accompanied by multiple layers of gently picked guitar notes and subtly mixed synthesisers. This peaceful backdrop unites perfectly with lyrics concerning the melancholy experience of returning to the town where he grew up in, where despite all of the sights being familiar to him, he ultimately feels ‘like a stranger’ there. While this does paint a specific picture, ERNIE leaves room for listeners to create their own interpretations of the lyrics.

Speaking on ‘Pink Headaches’, ERNIE shared the personal story that inspired him to write it, stating:

“A few years ago I moved back in with my mam for a few months, and I was out on a run one day to shake off a hangover. I was literally running through the scenes of my childhood, recalling this huge batch of memories attached to every street, every park bench and every football pitch. Places that once felt like home to me now filled me with a weird mix of nostalgia, fondness, sadness, and anxiety. ‘Pink Headaches’ was my response to all these weird feelings and memories coming to the surface with every passing lamp post”

While ERNIE rightfully deserves credit for the strength of his songwriting, it would be remiss to make no mention of the excellent production and mixing displayed on ‘Pink Headaches’, which is integral to its dreamy sound.

‘Pink Headaches’ is available to stream now on all platforms, and if it’s any indication of ERNIE’s overall talent, there is clearly much to look forward to in his future releases.

Live Dates – 2023:

13th August – Boardmasters Festival, Cornwall

16th September – Generator Live, Newcastle